Monday, April 23, 2012


Thanks to Samantha for forwarding this old article from October 1991 in the NY Times about the club scene at the time! I absolutely forgot about this one.
Not only does it mention Samantha at "Troublemaker", but it also has a quote from Jhan Dean Egg, who passed away in 1998. "Egg" used to work at Gauntlet back then and actually pierced my tongue for me there. He was a HUGE tape trader as well and had an unbelievable collection!
Check it out!

One other thing regarding the "Egg" quote: how on earth did I forget the club "London" that started up around Fall 1991, especially since it was only the second club I used to hand out flyers for (after "Communion")!!??
I remember it was in a nice spot not too far from Limelight but didn't end up lasting that long. I think Michael "London" was one of the promoters, who later on went on to promote "London Dungeon" in what I believe to be the old "Zone Dekay" space on the West Side in late 1992 on Wednesday nights. THAT was a fun spot for a little while!
And it also mentions another club night I forgot about: "Evolution" that was at the Big City Diner waaay on the West Side of 43rd Street! I remember one of the guys who had a hand in that was "Raheem" who was a regular at Communion who was a really good guy.
Thanks Sam!!


  1. That "slightly inebriated" picture of you was in my dorm room! I miss those days. When I think about them, you are all over my memories. I have some pictures I can scan and send to you if you want to post them.

    1. Aimee!!! Email me girl!!! Same email as always! I definitely need pictures of YOU since almost all the ones I had were thrown away by "you know who"!!! Ha!
      Well, how can you blame someone to be envious of the prettiest Goth girl in NYC!!!
      Hope to hear from you!
