Sunday, October 28, 2012


 Reese with Michael T at Troublemaker. Autumn 1991.

I'm sure I was one of the last to hear about this, but for those of you who haven't heard yet, I just found out DJ Reese, the man behind so much of our scene back in the day, passed away last week.
Truly an awful bit of news.
Reese was such an awesome person, and I'm sure many of you felt the same way. He was always up to help one of us out, and was always encouraging everyone to go out and do their own thing.
He hooked me up with internships, writing gigs, and always introduced me to music I never heard before.
I will always remember all the crazy nights at Troublemaker, Stigmata, and Censored, all places he DJ'ed and had us dancing well into the early morning. But a great memory I will always have of Reese in particular was a night in the Chapel of Limelight, when the crowd hadn't shown up yet, and he threw on Section 25's "New Horizon" for me, and we just sat back and listened to that awesome track blasting through those speakers, enjoying every second of that super-slow, LONG classic. It was a track he'd never play at a club, but knew I was having a real rough time in "life" and just wanted to surprise me and make me feel a little better. That's the kind of person he was.
A really great person I really feel lucky to have known...
Really hard to hear this news. Hope everyone closes their eyes for a second and thinks of a moment Reese made them smile back then, whether it was from DJ'ing, cracking a joke, or just being the laid back nice guy he was...
Rest in Peace brother...

Monday, July 30, 2012


Here are some pics from all sorts of nights back in the day...

Sean and Amber in front of Troublemaker, 1991

 Chris and Randi in front of the Bank ("The Belfry" night), 1992

 George and Carrie at Pyramid, 1991

 Skinny Puppy at the "new" Ritz, about 1992

 Me, Randi and Joe at Jesse's house party, 1992

 Jesse, Nancy and Karyn at Troublemaker, 1991

Funny story with this picture:
This photo of the Jesus and Mary Chain was taken by DJ Patrick before their show at the "World" back in 1987 or 1988, as they were getting out of their tour van. We were all lined up outside waiting for them to open the doors of the venue when the band pulled up.
A few years later, when Patrick and I really "met" in the club scene, one of the first things I asked him was, "Didn't you reach into the JAMC tour van and snap off a shot a few years ago?"
A week later Patrick shows up to Troublemaker with the very photo as a gift. Nice...
(Side note: for my personal taste, the opening band, who were making their debut in NYC at the time, BLEW everyone out of the water that night: the Pixies. They were incredible).

On even more of a side note: the "World" was such an awesome venue back then. I think the first show I saw there was Xmal Deutschland back in 1985 or so. The place was run down, all the way on the East Side when it WASN'T some hipster doofus retreat, and a hell of a walk from the subway for all of us hoofing it.
Some of the shows that stick out for me: Sugarcubes first show (link here believe it or not:; Wolfgang Press, Nick Cave and as I stated earlier, the Pixies first show here when Kim Deal was still calling herself "Mrs. Black".

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Some more pictures from back in the day.
Again, if anyone has any pictures themselves of the club scene from 1990-1993, pass them along and I'll post them! Regrettably I'm running out of pictures...

 Randi, Joe, ??? and Laura


 "Jam" at Troublemaker

 Laura in front of the Bank

 Lauren Vile, ??? and Giordana at Troublemaker

???, ??? and Carrie at Troublemaker

Monday, June 18, 2012


So it seems that I'm beginning to see the end of my picture run here! So please, if anyone has any pictures to share (or those long requested flyers!), please send them along (at and I'll happily post them and cite the source!
I'd hate to see this blog run out of flicks to share from this awesome period of time.
I thought I had more, and maybe I'll uncover some as time goes on, but I've pretty much turned my house upside down looking for any but to no avail.
So anyone that has some pictures from the scene between 1990-1992 or so please, send them along and I promise to post them with your name (unless you'd rather I not use your name).
Onto the pictures...
 Amanda and ? (Is it Mikey Slut?) at Pyramid

 Adam (AKA "Shmuel")

 Tom at Jesse's house party

 Dancing at "Equlibrium": Carrie, Eddie L, Jen and others

 Lauren Vile

 William getting a jump on the dance floor at Pyramid

 Reese at work at Troublemaker (with Bryan and Rustin looking on, and Rory in the foreground)

George and ?? at Troublemaker

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Please allow me to write some sappy "when I was young" crap for just one moment. More pictures are coming soon, I promise…
Isn't it a shame that we can't catch lightning in a bottle? A moment? A fleeting "feeling" that escapes us with age/life/"maturity"?
Maybe even just one night from the club scene back then when everything just seemed alive and full of motion?
I find myself thinking back to those days, especially lately as I go through all these photos and try to regain some of that emotion of a particular time or place, like when I was leaving my house at night, heading to the subway to hit a club, wondering who would be out, thinking of both the people you wanted to see and those you didn't.
It was that period of life before "age" squashed possibility, before "time" made you shed that youthful exuberance that made the anticipation of every night a drug you just couldn't give up on, not even for one night in case you missed something "special" and would have to hear about it from your friends who "were there!" God forbid, right?
I used to love those cold nights as I was making my way to the club, freezing, but not walking fast because of the cold, but walking fast because I was just beside myself with excitement to hang out and dance until the wee hours of the morning or yap about what was then so important in my life, no matter how trivial it seems now. "To Hell" with how I was going to painfully pay for it the next day at work or at school because of lack of sleep. That never mattered. The only thing that mattered was another night to hang out at Limelight, the Building, Pyramid, wherever.
So what if I'd be miserable tomorrow trying to focus on a paper with only two hours sleep and "Stiff Stuff" still knotted up in my hair. Who cares? So what if I'd feel like shit tomorrow because I just have to be at "New York Nights" at the Pyramid and see performances by Psychotic Eve or Michael T. Yeah it's a Monday night, but fuck it, I can catch an hours sleep on the train ride home, and hour at home, and a half hour on my way to school. That's not bad for now right? I can catch up on sleep later on tomorrow when I get home…Oh wait! Shit... There's no way I'm missing "Communion". Ugh. Ok, I PROMISE myself to get some sleep on Wednesday. Yeah Wednesday. I'll sleep for hours and catch up then. ("Oh wait, didn't Aimee say she wanted to hang out Wednesday? I better ask her tonight and make sure…")
And so it went week after week, running ourselves ragged to hang out at our clubs.
Remember when we'd show up early to get those few drinks from the open bar, then when the cut off hit we'd disappear to the dance floor and lose ourselves for a few hours between gossiping with whomever we were hanging out with or twirling or stomping around as we were trying to keep our breath, hoping the buzz wasn't killed with some lame-ass Morrissey or Big Audio Dynamite song?
(Oddly enough I always remember the Building killing any buzz I had with Big Audio Dynamite! Strange, but seemed to happen every fucking week!)
I still have certain nights that stick out, not because of some "incredible happening", but just for their sublime "same old same old" of the time, which is really gone forever. I remember getting to Limelight late one Tuesday, and just hanging out with Aimee in the coat check all night, chatting and watching the people coming in and out. I can't even remember why we were there, loving every second instead of out on the dance floor. But that's exactly why it sticks out to me. We were so entrenched in that scene that even spending the entire night in coat check was STILL hanging out, being a part of what we were living.
I'll also never forget that night in 1991 in front of Pyramid when the "second riot" was going on, and Michael T, Amanda, Aimee and I, along with so many others from the "Black Lips" crew, spent the entire night outside, watching the cops gather ranks while the squatters were building their flaming barricades on Avenue A. The funny thing was it ended up being quite uneventful, but we all still had an awesome night talking, shooting the shit on a nice late Spring night waiting for the apocalypse. It never came (sometimes sadly, I think)…
I also still remember the routines of the everyday, like Ian Donahoe religiously showing up at Bleeker Bob's as I was finishing one of my shifts, and he always had two 40 ounce bottles of St. Ides or Crazy Horse: one for me, and one for him. And we would take our time and slowly drink and walk up 6th avenue toward Limelight, or over to the East side on our way to Stigmata or even the Mission. Man, when you could "brown bag it" and get nicely lit up while still enjoying the people-watching out on the street. There really is something to be said about drinking out in the fresh air as you're walking somewhere with a friend. I miss that more and more as it gets further and further away from me.
Then there were the moments in life created back then because of the friendships made at clubs, like the "Twin Peaks" marathons at Aimee's parent's house out in Jackson Heights, or going out for an "Apple-Cinnamon Cheerios" (or was it "Apple Jacks"?!) run at 2am because it was all we wanted at that very moment, loving every second of it as we walked back up 1st Avenue towards the Hunter dorms, ripping the box open and crunching on them with every step.
Hey Aimee, remember that cat in the window of that store? It was basking in the glory of being adored as we "oohed and aaahhed" until it stretched and lost it's balance and flopped over in the most unceremonious way? Absolutely perfect! I STILL laugh at that from time to time.
I remember that night on the Staten Island ferry, coming back from Randi's house, running into Oscar and Debbie, and we just cruised the bay back to NYC catching up on the little gossip we each had since the last time we saw each other. Just a nice little random moment that was tied to and a product of being part of that scene.
Hey, any of you guys out there who used to come play pool with me at "Le Q" on 13th street near University?! I'm talking about Ian, Jarek, Rob, Jay, even Weege! Remember how the grumpy owner used to let us have one of the private rooms downstairs, and we'd bring bottles of Malt Liquor and have our own little party in there? I swear I don't know if we got those rooms because the dude liked us or because he HATED the way we looked and wanted us out of sight! Ha!
Anyway, I wonder if any of you ever try to explain it all to some people, getting wrapped up in what it all was and how it felt, and feeling like you failed miserably because they're looking at you like it was all "ho-hum". Yeah I know it's the same for everyone as they get older and they try to recollect whatever it was they were a part of in their teens or early 20's, but doesn't it seem like such a waste that the only thing really documenting that period is all the "guilty by association" Michael Alig/Club Kid/ Disco 2000 crap?
Oh well, as times goes by it feels like it was all some crazy dream and I find myself trying to make sure I remember every bit of it, which of course is just laughable. I can only cringe at the thought of what I've already forgotten. Better left lost I guess…
Or maybe not…
What a time it was.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Here are another set of pictures to look over and reminisce about...enjoy...
And a HUGE "Thank You" to all who have contacted me through this blog! It's been great catching up and getting reconnected somewhat. Keep it coming!
Also,  anyone with pictures they may have that would be interested to have me post them here please contact me! I'd love to add pics that others have taken, as well as club flyers that I mentioned earlier!

 Lisann, Aimee and AJ

 Cassie at Pyramid (with a few friends in the background)

 Brian at The Belfry (God I miss the days of walking around the streets with a 40oz in a bag!)

 Jeffo and Peter

 Rob Xian at Tilt's "Equilibrium"

 Samantha at Pyramid

 Sharon and Joe

Kenneth aka "Dreamer", (with Jesse in foreground) at a show I cannot remember in 1991

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Here are some pictures from Pyramid sometime in 1991. They may be from the same night as DJ Eritch's birthday party, but I can't be sure.
I know it sounds so cliche, but I went into Pyramid for the first time in YEARS last summer, and it just seemed so freaking small.
Then again, about two summers ago I went into the travesty that is the Limelight space now, and was wondering what room I was in since I walked in right off the front sidewalk. It literally took me about ten to fifteen minutes to realize that small space I was standing in was the MAIN DANCE FLOOR!
It just seemed impossible that it was ever so small. I walked out of there so depressed at what is was, although it seems to be the perfect example of NYC today huh?
Anyway, enjoy...

 Amber and Sean


 "Jam" doing his thing

 Mark Crutch (I'd love to see what pictures HE has from this time!)


 Amanda bartending

DJ Eritch

Thursday, May 17, 2012


These shots are all from about 1992. Again, I found these on an older computer, so it was a lucky find to say the least.

 Sonja and Sheila (Two of the coolest girls back then)

 Sheila at Tilt's "Equilibrium

 ???, Rob Xian, Carrie and Joe

 Jay "being Jay" at Tilt's "Equilibrium", where he DJ'd

 Ian at Pyramid

 Gabe and Carrie (Don't know where-though I think Tilt)

Ed and Sheila at Tilt's "Equilibrium"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I came across a few pictures that were scanned onto an older computer I have. Strange since I don't remember doing this. A pleasant surprise to say the least! Enjoy'em....

 Jesse and I at Troublemaker

 Jam at Troublemaker

 One of the "Twins" at Ward 6 (Never knew their real names)

 Renzo at Troublemaker

 Reese and Leslie at the 2nd Ward 6 near Union Square (I think!)

A shot of me on some roof by Mark "Crutch"