Thursday, April 19, 2012


Here are a few pictures I've come by in my initial search to add to the blog. More to come as I dig them out.
In the meantime it's been awesome reconnecting with all of you so far!
Does anyone out there still have a collection of all those flyers and passes?! Sadly, my collection is long gone and I had a PILE of them from 1988 through about 1993.
I would LOVE to add a nice batch of those flyers here. Communion, Ward 6, the Building, anything!!
Any help would be awesome!
On a side note: while digging around my attic I came across TWO unused "Helter Skelter" stickers that I mentioned earlier. So if any of you see a black Santa Fe drive by with that sticker on it's ass, you know it's me!

 Alien Sex Fiend show in May of 1992 at Limelight (Dale and Aimee looking on)

 Patrick spinning (with Randi in the background)

 Joe, Gabe, Me and Ian with Sharon's roommate at F.I.T., Laura. Early 1992

 Randi, Jay and a few others outside the last night of "The Belfry" at the Bank, Sept. 1992

 Sharon and I at one of THE pre-club hangouts then, the F.I.T. dorms

 Tony Wakeford performing at a "Night of Misanthropy" event, CBGB'S, Jan. 1993

 Dale preaching to Sonia and Sheila, with Brian mucking it up outside the Bank

 Is this sign still hanging there?

AJ at Limelight for the Alien Sex Fiend show, May 1992

Roxy (the "polka-dot queen")


  1. Hey Reese! Email me if you have the time. Would love to catch up a bit! My email is:
    I'll be putting some more pics up this week!

  2. Wow! What a great blog. Marius posted the link to his FB; otherwise I might have missed this. What a treasure. I've been craving photos, articles, videos and interaction that commemorates this amazing time in NYC nightlife; this was MY reality, not the Party Monster debacle that was going on at the same time. (As far Limelight goes, I enjoyed Communion's crowd and music hands down over Disco 2000 and I'm sort of sick of all the idolizing about the Alig days that I hear from time to time with the younger generation.) Anyways... I actually have a HUGE collection of flyers from this time period. They aren't scanned yet and it will take me a few weeks to do so. But if I have extras, I'd be happy to actually MAIL them to you! Let me know.

    1. Hey Karyn! ANY flyers to add to this blog would be amazing! It's definitely a glaring hole here! Keep me posted. I'll be adding more pics soon. I'd love for this blog to be the place for all of us to contribute to fill-out the whole story of what it was like back then! So any contributions by those who "were there" would only make this better!
